Learning Objectives

  • Import data into a tidy structure
  • Format, filter and manipulate your datasets in preparation for plotting
  • Understand the reason and methods for long and wide data formats

The dplyr package is specifically designed for data formatting and manipulation and allows you to merge datasets and create new columns as well as filtering and summarising your data. We are going to learn some of the most common functions.

Selecting columns and filtering rows

First, make sure the tidyverse package is loaded and you have read in the surveys dataset.

surveys <- read_csv("http://bifx-core3.bio.ed.ac.uk/training/R_dplyr_and_ggplot2/data/surveys_complete.csv")

To select columns of a dataframe, use select(). The first argument to this function is the data frame surveys, and the subsequent arguments are the columns to keep.

select(surveys, plot_id, species_id, weight)

To drop columns from a dataframe, put a “-” in front of the variable to exclude it.

select(surveys, -record_id, -species_id)

This will select all the variables in surveys except record_id and species_id.

To choose rows based on specific criteria, use filter():

filter(surveys, year == 1995)


What if you want to select and filter at the same time? There are three ways to do this:

With intermediate objects, you create a temporary dataframe and use that as input to the next function, like this:

surveys2 <- filter(surveys, weight < 5)
surveys_sml <- select(surveys2, species_id, sex, weight)

This is readable, but can clutter up your workspace with lots of objects that you have to name individually and keep track of.

You can also nest functions (i.e. one function inside of another), like this:

surveys_sml <- select(filter(surveys, weight < 5), species_id, sex, weight)

This is handy, but can be difficult to read if too many functions are nested. R evaluates the expression from the inside out (in this case, filtering, then selecting).

The alternative is to use pipes. Pipes let you take the output of one function and send it directly to the next, which is useful when you need to do many things to the same dataset. Pipes in R look like %>% and are made available via the magrittr package, installed automatically with dplyr. If you use RStudio, the keyboard shortcut for a pipe is Ctrl + Shift + M.

surveys %>%
  filter(weight < 5) %>%
  select(species_id, sex, weight)

Here we are ‘piping’ the surveys dataset through the filter() function, then through select(). Since %>% takes the object on its left and passes it as the first argument to the function on its right, we don’t need to explicitly include the dataframe as an argument to the filter() and select() functions any more.

Some may find it helpful to read the pipe like the word “then”. For instance, in the above example, we took the data frame surveys, then we filtered for rows with weight < 5, then we selected columns species_id, sex, and weight. The dplyr functions by themselves are somewhat simple, but by combining them into linear workflows with the pipe, we can accomplish more complex manipulations of data frames.

If we want to create a new object with this smaller version of the data, we can assign it a new name:

surveys_sml <- surveys %>%
  filter(weight < 5) %>%
  select(species_id, sex, weight)

Note that the final data frame is the leftmost part of this expression.

Further Learning

R version 4.1 introduced a native pipe which can be used in base R without loading the magrittr or tidyverse packages. It uses the alternative |> symbol. There are some subtle differences with this pipe which you can read about here. You can change the CTRL+ALT+M keyboard shortcut to use the native pipe in Code section of RStudio’s Global Options.


Using pipes, subset the surveys data to include animals collected before 1995 and retain only the columns year, sex, and weight.


surveys %>%
  filter(year < 1995) %>%
  select(year, sex, weight)

Exporting data

Similar to the read_csv() function there is also a write_csv() function. If you want to export any of your newly created datasets you can do this as follows:

##Create a data folder

write_csv(surveys_sml, file = "data/surveys_small.csv")
#Or use write_tsv for tab separated files

You can even pipe directly into write_csv to avoid creating another R object.

surveys %>%
  filter(weight < 5) %>%
  select(species_id, sex, weight) %>% 
  write_csv(file = "data/surveys_small.csv")


Frequently, you’ll want to create new columns based on the values in existing columns, for example to do unit conversions, or to combine values from two columns. For this we use mutate().

To create a new column of weight in kg:

surveys %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight * 1000)

You can also create a second new column based on the first new column within the same call of mutate():

surveys %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight * 1000,
         weight_lb = weight_kg * 2.2)

If you just want to see the first few rows, you can use a pipe to one of the head commands. Base R has head() function and the Tidyverse uses slice_head() which is one of the useful slice functions for selecting specific rows of a dataframe or tibble.

surveys %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000) %>%

surveys %>%
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000) %>%

You can even use functions within mutate. Look at the code below and see if you can figure out how the case_when function works.

surveys %>%
  mutate(sex = case_when(sex=="M"~"Male",sex=="F"~"Female"))

The stringr package within the Tidyverse contains a lot of useful functions for manipulating character strings. For instance, let’s imagine that the genus ‘Perognathus’ has been mislabeled in our table and should instead be ‘Peromyscus’.

surveys %>%
  mutate(genus = str_replace(genus,"Perognathus","Peromyscus"))

We can check this has worked by pulling the genus column, converting it to a factor and running a summary.

# summarise the genus column in surveys
surveys %>%
  pull(genus) %>% # pull extracts a single column
  as.factor() %>% # convert character to factor (categorical variable)

# Try again, replacing Perognathus with Peromyscus
surveys %>%
  mutate(genus = str_replace(genus,"Perognathus","Peromyscus")) %>% 
  pull(genus) %>% # pull extracts a single column
  as.factor() %>% # convert character to factor (categorical variable)


Create a new data frame from the surveys data that meets the following criteria: Contains only the species_id column and a new column called hindfoot_cm containing the hindfoot_length values converted to centimeters. In this hindfoot_cm column all values are less than 3.

Hint: think about how the commands should be ordered to produce this data frame!


surveys_hindfoot_cm <- surveys %>%
    mutate(hindfoot_cm = hindfoot_length / 10) %>%
    filter(hindfoot_cm < 3) %>%
    select(species_id, hindfoot_cm)

Group_by and summarise

Many data analysis tasks can be approached using the split-apply-combine paradigm: split the data into groups, apply some analysis to each group, and then combine the results. dplyr makes this very easy through the use of the group_by() function.

group_by() is often used together with summarise(), which collapses each group into a single-row summary of that group. The group_by() function takes the column names that contain the grouping variables for which you want to calculate summary statistics. The summarise() function computes a summary statistic for each group using a specified function and variable. So to compute the mean weight by sex:

surveys %>%
  group_by(sex) %>%
  summarise(mean_weight = mean(weight))

You can also group by multiple columns:

surveys %>%
  group_by(sex, species_id) %>%
  summarise(mean_weight = mean(weight))

Once the data are grouped, you can create multiple summary columns at the same time. For instance, we could add columns indicating the minimum weight and mean hindfoot length for each species for each sex:

surveys %>%
  group_by(sex, species_id) %>%
  summarise(min_weight = min(weight),
            mean_hindfoot_length = mean(hindfoot_length))

It is sometimes useful to rearrange the result of a query to inspect the values. For instance, we can sort on min_weight to put the lighter species first and :

surveys %>%
  group_by(sex, species_id) %>%
  summarise(min_weight = min(weight),
            mean_hindfoot_length = mean(hindfoot_length)) %>%

To sort in descending order, we need to add the desc() function. If we want to sort the results by decreasing order of mean weight:

surveys %>%
  group_by(sex, species_id) %>%
  summarise(min_weight = min(weight),
            mean_hindfoot_length = mean(hindfoot_length)) %>%


When working with data, we often want to know the number of observations found for each factor or combination of factors. For this task, dplyr provides count(). For example, if we wanted to count the number of rows of data for each sex, we would do:

surveys %>%

The count() function is shorthand for something we’ve already seen: grouping by a variable, and summarising it by counting the number of observations in that group. In other words, surveys %>% count(sex) is equivalent to:

surveys %>%
    group_by(sex) %>%
    summarise(count = n()) #n() counts the size of each group

If we wanted to count a combination of factors, such as sex and species, we would specify the first and the second factor as the arguments of count():

surveys %>%
  count(sex, species) 

With the above code, we can proceed with arrange() to sort the table according to a number of criteria so that we have a better comparison. For instance, we might want to arrange the table above in (i) an alphabetical order of the levels of the species and (ii) in descending order of the count:

surveys %>%
  count(sex, species) %>%
  arrange(species, desc(n))


How many animals were caught in each plot_type surveyed?


surveys %>%
Use group_by() and summarise() to find the mean, min, and max hindfoot length for each species (using species_id). Also add the number of observations (hint: see ?n).


surveys %>%
   group_by(species_id) %>%
       mean_hindfoot_length = mean(hindfoot_length),
       min_hindfoot_length = min(hindfoot_length),
       max_hindfoot_length = max(hindfoot_length),
       n = n())
What was the heaviest animal measured in each year? Return the columns year, genus, species_id, and weight. Order the output by year.


surveys %>%
   group_by(year) %>%
   filter(weight == max(weight)) %>%
   select(year, genus, species, weight) %>%


  • Look at the surveys dataset with the print() function. How many rows and columns does it have?
  • By default, tibbles hide a lot of the data to prevent the screen from getting crowded. How can you show more rows and all of the columns?
  • What other questions can we ask of this dataset? Set a challenge for a partner or your group using the dplyr functions.

Pivoting functions in tidyr

The tidyr package contains the functions pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() which allow you to transform a dataset between long and wide formats. For instance, what if we wanted to compare the mean weights of each species at each plot (using plot_id).

We’d need to create a new table where each row is comprised of values of variables associated with each plot. In practical terms this means the values in genus would become the names of column variables and the cells would contain the values of the mean weight observed on each plot.

Having created a new table, it is then straightforward to explore the relationship between the weight of different genera within, and between, the plots. The key point here is that we are still following a tidy data structure,but we have reshaped the data according to the observation of interest. Mean genus weight per plot, instead of recordings per date.

First, lets create surveys_gw where observations for each plot (genus and mean_weight) are spread across multiple rows:

surveys_gw <- surveys %>%
  group_by(plot_id, genus) %>%
  summarise(mean_weight = mean(weight))

Using pivot_wider() with genus as the names of the new columns and mean_weight as the values, we can create a table that allows us to compare mean weights of different genera at each plot.

surveys_wide <- surveys_gw %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = genus,values_from = mean_weight)

The opposing situation could occur if we had been provided with data in the form of surveys_wide, where the genus names are column names, but we wish to treat them as values of a variable instead. To do this we can use the pivot_longer() function.

Further Learning

Examples of more dplyr functions are available on the dplyr website.

Key points

  • Import and format data with readr and tidyr.
  • Use dplyr select, filter and mutate to manipulate datasets
  • Use group_by, summarise and count to create summary datasets by groups.
  • Use pivot_longer and pivot_wider to move between wide and long formats.